Qué tal, 

Por la presente solicito la apertura de dos cursos en e-courses:

ININ 4010 - 020
ININ 4010 - 050

Ambas secciones son de Probabilidad y Estadística para Ingenieros. El objetivo de tener acceso a e-courses es para facilitar la distribución de material didáctio a los estudiantes en términos de laboratorios, ejercicios de práctica y artículos contemporáneos de interés para el curso. 

Mucho agradezco su consideración. 

This course is designed for engineering students who need to understand the basic theory of probability and statistics for explaining or modeling randomness in engineering problems.  The purpose is to teach engineering students (i) how to summarize and describe data; (ii) draw practical conclusions on the basis of engineering data; and (iii) the theoretical and applied background needed to understand and effectively use probability and statistical models. This course is a requirement in the B.S. in IE and it is a prerequisite for the following required courses in the IE curriculum:  InIn 4015 Engineering Economic Analysis, InIn 4020 Applied Industrial Statistics, InIn 4021 Deterministic Models in Operations Research, InIn 4077 Work Systems Design, and InIn 4078 Statistical Quality Control.    

Fundamental principles in the design and analysis of engineering experiments: randomized blocks, latin squares, split plots, factorial experiments; fractional factorials; confounding and response surface methodology.

Son dos secciones de este curso: 066 y 086