Fundamentals of database systems, emphasizing in
data modeling and design, basic notation, functional dependencies,
normalization, query languages and query processing; database services including
concurrency, security and integrity. The
laboratory will provide hands-on experience with database applications.
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Fundamentals of database systems, emphasizing in
data modeling and design, basic notation, functional dependencies,
normalization, query languages and query processing; database services including
concurrency, security and integrity. The
laboratory will provide hands-on experience with database applications.
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Elemental computer programming and solution of managerial problems using a modern language. Fundamentals of structured program design: development, testing, implementation and documentation; language syntax, file structure, input/output unit, and operational system facilities for the implementation of programs that generate managerial reports.
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Programacion avanzada en Visual Basic
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Curso avanzado en programacion de Visual Basic
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Elemental computer programming and solution of managerial problems using a modern language. Fundamentals of structured program design: development, testing, implementation and documentation; language syntax, file structure, input/output unit, and operational system facilities for the implementation of programs that generate managerial reports.
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez
Curso avanzado de Visual Basic para estudiantes de Sistemas Computadorizados de Informacion (SICI)
- Professor: Lucyann Fernandez