Fundamentals of database systems, emphasizing in data modeling and design, basic notation, functional dependencies, normalization, query languages and query processing; database services including concurrency, security and integrity.  The laboratory will provide hands-on experience with database applications.

Fundamentals of database systems, emphasizing in data modeling and design, basic notation, functional dependencies, normalization, query languages and query processing; database services including concurrency, security and integrity.  The laboratory will provide hands-on experience with database applications.

Elemental computer programming and solution of managerial problems using a modern language. Fundamentals of structured program design: development, testing, implementation and documentation; language syntax, file structure, input/output unit, and operational system facilities for the implementation of programs that generate managerial reports.

Programacion avanzada en Visual Basic

Curso avanzado en programacion de Visual Basic

Elemental computer programming and solution of managerial problems using a modern language. Fundamentals of structured program design: development, testing, implementation and documentation; language syntax, file structure, input/output unit, and operational system facilities for the implementation of programs that generate managerial reports.

Curso avanzado de Visual Basic para estudiantes de Sistemas Computadorizados de Informacion (SICI)