Study of the role of the major financial institutions and the principal financial management problems faced by these institutions. Emphasis is given to management problems of commercial banks, savings and loan associations, life insurance companies, credit cooperatives and the functioning of pension plans.

Problems related to management of assets, liabilities and capital. Emphasis on financial decisions and the formulation of financial policies in two basic areas: working capital management and capital budgeting decisions. 

Study of advanced theory and practices of credit and collection management.  Evaluation of commercial and personal loans applications based on available credit options, laws, and regulations. 

Application of finance principles in the international environment, including the balance of payment mechanism, the factors affecting the foreign exchange market and defensive techniques to protect the business against foreign exchange risk.

Study of the allocation, distribution, and stabilization functions of the modern state and their effects on the business firm; analysis of public sector budget policies from the point of view of income and expenditure; theories of taxation; public expenditure, budget incidence and effects, public debt, and their effect on the business decision-making process.