Enrolment options

Course Description: The course explains the basic manufacturing requirements of Surface Mount and Through hole technologies. Lectures will include a description of processes, required tooling, underlying scientific principles behind the processes, use of mathematical models, and an understanding of how independent variables impact the quality of the final product.

The objectives of the laboratory are to provide students with hands-on experience with surface mount processes and to provide the opportunity to implement improvements and define all process parameters to populate printed circuit boards.

Students who complete the course successfully become candidates for participating in PCB manufacturing activities for possible outside customers. For this reason, students should have 3rd or 4th year standing. A limited number of seats will be provided to participating departments, and a class section should not have more that 18 students registered.

Pre-requisites: Chem 3002 – General Chemistry; Phys 3172/3174 – Physics II with Laboratory;

Participating departments: InIn, InEl, ICom, InMe, InQu.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)