Enrolment options

The purpose of the course is to familiarize all students with the x-ray and electron based experimental techniques available at Brookhaven National Lab and other similar facilities.  You will be cognizant of the applications of these cutting edge facilities, and well positioned to use them in your own research.

NSLS-II is the newest advanced synchrotron lightsource in the world; it will enable world-leading programs in imaging and dynamics with unprecedented resolution, providing impact in condensed matter physics, materials science and engineering, chemistry, and life sciences.  The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) is one of five Nanoscale Science Research Centers created by the Department of Energy to investigate, understand, and exploit the unique characteristics of materials and phenomena at the nanometer scale.

This course is suitable for graduate students, postdocs, and advanced undergrads in physical sciences and engineering, as well as students in biological, environmental, and chemical sciences who may have the interest to learn more about the techniques they may use for their research.

Each class will be given by a scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory on the topic of his/her expertise.  Lectures will focus on advanced concepts in synchrotron x-ray and electron-based methodologies for studies of novel materials at the nanometer to atomic scales.  Emphasis is on applying fundamental knowledge of these advanced techniques to real-world materials studies in a variety of scientific disciplines. Lectures are pretty much independent from one another, although they are being coordinated to insure consistency. 

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)