On September 17, 2016, Casa Pueblo hosted the Encuentro Latinamericano de Mujeres que Luchan por el Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sustenible, which convened a panel of women activists from Guatemala, Honduras, Perú, and Ecuador who struggle against abuses of the mining industry, suffering great risks to their lives and property.  The Latin American Mining Monitoring Programme (LAMMP) works to protect rights of indigenous communities, particularly women. Here are several resources related to this event and the mining industry in Latin America:

Section 1: Casa Pueblo in Puerto Rico

  1. Video Series: GeoAmbiente - Casa Pueblo: protesta, propuesta y evolución 
  2. Documental - Casa Pueblo (Puerto Rico) 
  3. Marcada por la Violencia y Represión la Lucha de Mujeres Ambientalistas

Section 2: Honduras and Berta Cáceres (NOTE: Berta's daughter Berta was one of the panelists at Casa Pueblo.)

  1. Goldman Prize Recipient 2015: Berta Cáceres
  2. Article: Drugs, Dams, and Power: The Murder of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres
  3. Response of Dutch Development Bank ("FMO") to Independent Fact Finding Mission Report:
    1. English OR
    2. Español
  4. Postion of Agua Zarca and DESA
    1. Letter of Agua Zarca to Reactivate Project
    2. Opinion in El País
  5. General Resources Independent Fact Finding Mission Full Report:
    1. Independent Fact Finding Mission Full Report: English OR Español
    2. General information provided by FMO
    3. Agua Zarca website
  6. Article: Honduran Soldier Says Activist Berta Cáceres was Killed by US-backed Coup Regime
  7. Article: Before her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup
  8. Petitions for an international investigation of the assassination of Berta Cáceres:
    1. US State Department
    2. here
  9. Berta Cáceres Murder: International Lawyers Launch New Investigation
  10. Video: Berta Cáceres Acceptance Speech, 2015 Goldman Prize Ceremony: 
  11. Video: Tribute to Berta Cáceres, 2016 Goldman Prize Ceremony: 

Section 3: Perú

  1. Letter: Premio Goldman de Puerto Rico reclama garantías al Presidente de Perú por Máxima Acuña
  2. Video: Máxima Acuna de Chaupe (Perú)
  3. Video: Máxima Acuña Acceptance Speech, 2016 Goldman Prize Ceremony: 
  4. Video: Elizabeth & Cleofe (Perú) (password: piura). NOTE: Elizabeth was one of the panelists at Casa Pueblo.
  5. Video: Margarita (Perú)
  6. Video: Benicia (Perú) (password: suyo)

Section 4: Other resources

  1. Mining and Social Justice, thesis by Kylie Macpherson, University of Western Australia (Field data was taken via interviews with activists at Casa Pueblo)

Last modified: Monday, 29 May 2017, 12:54 PM