Section outline

    • Lecture 3: Tuesday August 23

    • URL/Ref: Papadopoulos, Frey, Castro, et al., “Sponsoring Research in Appropriate Technology”, ASEE 2014.  Read pages 4-8 (Sections 2 and 3).

       Study Questions and Comments:

      1. E.F. Schumacher was a "radical economist" who wrote what famous book?
      2. What practice did Schumacher criticize as a solution to solve the problems of the developing world (i.e., poor countires)?  Does this practice contiue today?
      3. According the Schumacher what are two twin criticisms of modern mass production?
      4. How did Schumacher propose to address these problems?  Who inspired him?
      5. What was the original name of the organization Practical Action (notice that Practical Action is the author of the next reading)?
    • URL/Ref: Practical Action, "What is Appropriate Technology?" (ITDG 1993).  Read entire article (pp. 1-6).

      Study Questions:

      1. What two regions of the world are identified as having unequal power relations with each other?  Were these regions identified by Schumacher (see previous reading)?  In which of these regions do you live?
      2. Think about what is meant by 'appropriate' and 'inappropriate' technology.
      3. React to the following statement: "need determines technology; technology does not determine need".  Do you agree or disagree that this should be the case?  Do you agree or disagree that this is historically true?
      4. In the article, the use of High-Yielding Varieties (HYV) rice was explained to be problematic in the Asian Green Revolution.  Can you think of other examples of technologies that might have have negative, unintended consequences?
      5. Give a reason, based on the article, to suggest why some peoples are denied choice in determining technology that is appropriate for their needs.